Mikisew is governed by an elected team of representatives with one Chief and six councillors. This team works diligently locally, nationally and internationally to preserve history and tradition while propelling progress. Chief and Council provide guidance and direction to our executive committee, which manages the daily operations of the Nation, providing services, allocating resources and advocating on behalf of Band members and their interests.
Portfolio Overview
Mikisew has seven primary portfolios that address all facets of our Nation.
Each portfolio has an appointed committee comprised of councillors, directors and Nation members.
Councillors Bonnie Fraser, Sherri McKenzie and Russell Kaskamin
- Social development and reform
- Mikisew health
- Nunee Health
- Kahkiyow Keykanow Elders Care Centre (KKECH)
- Elders and youth programs
- Mikisew Child and Family Services
- Paspew House
- Fort Chipewyan Daycare
Councillors Lydia Courteoreille, Sherri McKenzie and Roxanne Marcel
- Mikisew Technical Services
- Housing and infrastructure
- On-reserve development
- Property management
Councillors Roxanne Marcel, Russell Kaskamin and Sherri McKenzie
- Economic development
- Mikisew corporations
- Mikisew Group board of directors
- Cree-Chip Development Corporation
Councillors Bonnie Fraser, Ronald Campbell and Lydia Courteoreille
- Post-secondary education
- Athabasca Delta Community School
- Alternative school
- Keyano College
Councillors Ronald Campbell, Roxanne Marcel and Russell Kaskamin
- WBNP Trappers
- Government and Industry Relations (GIR)
- Wood Buffalo Environmental Association
Chief Billy-Joe Tuccaro and Council
- Athabasca Tribal Council
- Treaty 8 First Nation and provincial
- Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
- Industry government negotiations
- Aboriginal and treaty rights
- Governance matters
- Trust matters
- Legal justice matters
Visit the Departments page for an overview of the resources available to Mikisew members.
Our Past Chiefs
Justin Martin (Deceased 1909)
(Deceased 1909)
1899 to 1909Justin Martin, Jr. (Resigned 1930)
(Resigned 1930)
1909 to 1930Felix (Pierre) Guillaume (Whitehead)(Deceased 1941)
(Deceased 1941)
1930 to 1941